$ 0.799 -6.39%

ARK (ARK) Rank 404

Market Cap $144.93 M
Volume 24H 5452171 ARK
Open 24H $0.853
Low/High $0.791 - $0.860
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Ark is a cryptocurrency platform built on top an improved Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) system derived from Lisk, Crypti, and BitShares. It uses Smart Bridges to communicate with other (new and existing) blockchains to further increase its reach, providing a wider range of features in a single place.

Ark plans to stimulate cryptocurrency mass adoption by offering multiple consumer tools like a card network, game tokens, anonymous transactions, multi-signature accounts, and others. Adding more features and tools along the way.

Mkt.Cap $ 144.93 M Volume 24H 5.45 M ARK
Market share 0% Total Supply 125 M ARK
Proof type DPoS Open $ 0.85
Low $ 0.79 High $ 0.86
Date Price Volume

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