$ 0.001 93.20%

Hive (HVN) Rank 1993

Market Cap $288,291.000
Volume 24H 10 HVN
Open 24H $0.000
Low/High $0.000 - $0.001
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The Hive project aims to open up an entirely new market that provides liquidity to SMEs that are not able to get invoice factoring from traditional institutions. Through the use of the Ethereum blockchain, Hive serves as a decentralized data room for all invoices submitted assigns a unique fingerprint to every invoice issued by tokenizing invoices and publishing them on blockchain. This makes itpossible for businesses to automate their invoicing process and take advantage of factoring services.

The HVN is an ERC20 token bult on Ethereum that grants its holder the right to claim right over invoices on the Hive platform and obtain credit scores for certain entities which have a sufficient financial track record on the Hive blockchain.

Mkt.Cap $ 288,291.00 Volume 24H 10.00 HVN
Market share 0% Total Supply 500 M HVN
Proof type Open $ 0.0003
Low $ 0.0003 High $ 0.0006
Date Price Volume

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