$ 262.397 0.56%

MegaFlash (MEGA) Rank 4758

Market Cap $0.000
Volume 24H 0 MEGA
Open 24H $260.943
Low/High $259.922 - $264.401
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Each MEGA coin is a Counterparty asset secured with the Bitcoin blockchain and will initially be redeemable for 1 million FLASH coins. FLASH coins are given free to end users and used for advertising and incentive marketing, using a private high performance blockchain. There are 900 billion FLASH coins authorized, but only 300,000 MEGA coins authorized. MEGA coins are scarce and can be used by advertisers and online marketers to purchase FLASH coins in volume for campaigns. End users will also need MEGA coins to redeem their FLASH for BTC via an in-wallet exchange, where available.

FLASH is a blockchain based platform that enables users and developers to leverage this powerful technology for social media, websites, blogs and e-commerce sites. As easy to use as webmail, FLASH is a great way to introduce your friends to crypto-coins and to build in rewards to your web pages and services.

Mkt.Cap $ 0.00000000 Volume 24H 0.00000000 MEGA
Market share 0% Total Supply 300,000.00 MEGA
Proof type Open $ 260.94
Low $ 259.92 High $ 264.40
Date Price Volume

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