$ 0.335 -2.63%

Private Instant Verified Transaction (PIVX) Rank 836

Market Cap $27.95 M
Volume 24H 1705643 PIVX
Open 24H $0.344
Low/High $0.330 - $0.344
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PIVX is a privacy focused cryptocurrency, currently in the PoS stage. PIVX uses the updated PoS 2.0 protocol and is based on Bitcoin core 0.10.x code base. It uses a network of masternodes for transparent decentralized governance and increased privacy.

Mkt.Cap $ 27.95 M Volume 24H 1.71 M PIVX
Market share 0% Total Supply 0.00000000 PIVX
Proof type PoW/PoS Open $ 0.34
Low $ 0.33 High $ 0.34
Date Price Volume

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